Central States Dahlia Society
Central States Dahlia Society

CSDS Celebrates 90 Years
CSDS was officially established in February, 1932. That’s 90 short years ago. CSDS is one of the largest affiliated members of the American Dahlia Society. Our membership is steadily growing along with the increasing interest in dahlias across the United States. Currently, we have close to 250 dahlia-lovers.
We have monthly meetings from October through April. At each meeting we have a technical presentation that helps everyone grow a better dahlia. During the other months, members host garden walks and we hold the Fall Show at the Chicago Botanic Garden.
If you would like more information, please Contact Us.
Photo Credits:
Dahlia border at San Francisco Botanic Garden, Sonia Harmon
Upcoming Events
February 13: Growing a Dahlia Business
1:00 pm via Zoom
CSDS member and professional dahlia farmer Karin Fink will take us on a journey from her initial fascination with dahlias to establishing her own business as a dahlia grower and a speaker at local garden clubs. Zoom link can be found in newsletter and email.
May 7 and 8: CSDS Dahlia Sale
Dahia Sale open to the public at Chicago Botanic Garden.
September 17 & 18: CSDS Dahlia Show
Annual dahlia competition at Chicago Botanic Garden.