Central States Dahlia Society
CSDS Calendar of Events
Banner photo courtesy of ThisWallpaper.com
2017 CSDS
Google Calendar has been added to this page for the convenience of visitors who have registered for a Google account. Just click on the scheduled event within the calendar below and then click "Copy to My Google Calendar" and Google will automatically add the name, date and time of the event to your Personal Google Calendar. If you have a smart phone your calendar will travel with you everywhere you go. It's as simple as scrolling through the months of the calendar below to keep on top of all scheduled CSDS events for 2017. (Please check back periodically as information may be added, changed or eliminated.)
Overview of CSDS Events
Summer Events
CSDS sponsors a multitude of activities during the Spring and Summer months including tours, garden walks, picnics, and excursions. The annual tuber and plant sale, and the Annual Dahlia Show are held at the beautiful Chicago Botanic Garden, in May and September, respectively. Exhibitors and members should refer to CSDS's Schedule of Events and their monthly News-Line for updates regarding additions and changes of location(s) and time for each event. Non-members should make a request to attend CSDS sponsored activities and events by sending an email to: csdsdahlias@gmail.com.
Winter Meeting Schedule
Unless otherwise noted, all scheduled meetings November through April will take place at the Elk Grove Village Public Library, located at 1001 Wellington Avenue, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007. Meetings are generally held on the second Sunday of each month at 1:30 p.m. Exceptions will be noted on the Home page, in the Calendar, and in the Newsletter. Please check back often for confirmation of meeting dates and times. Library phone #: 847-439-0447.
Garden Walks
Ann Rymsza, CSDS's 1st Vice President, has announced that she is continuing to work on scheduling the Garden Walks. If any member is interested in hosting a garden walk during the current growing season, please contact Ann by email at: annrym@gmail.com.
Remember, all gardeners are interested in the various methods of growing dahlias. Whether you have a big estate, a small plot, or potted patio plants, we all learn different things from one another, so please share your expertise!