Central States Dahlia Society
2023 CSDS Ask the Expert Monthly Column
Originally published in the CSDS NEWS-LINE in 2023:
March: Taking & Caring for Cuttings
April: Caring for Cuttings, Starting Tubers, and Soil Preparation
May: Growing Dahlias in Containers (Bonus)
June: Tying, Stopping, Watering, and Fertilizing
July: Disbudding, Lateral Management, Insect & Mildew Control
August: Grooming Dahlias for Show
September: Let's Go to the Show!
2022 CSDS Monthly Dahlia Growing Guide
Originally published in the CSDS NEWS-LINE in 2022:
February: Waking Up Your Tubers
April: Potting Up Cuttings and Tubers
July: Fertilizing, Watering, and Scouting for Insects and Diseases
October: Overwintering Your Dahlias
Growing Beautiful Dahlias​
March 2024: Waking Up Tubers and Taking Cuttings
Grow Dahlias in 2024 - video by Sue Fitzgerald
March 2023: Ask the Experts CSDS Panel Q&A
Heinz Piniak Handouts "All the Dirt on Dirt" 4/16/2023
Sterilization Bucket by Randy Foith
Timeline for Waking Tubers by Sonia Harmon
ADS Dahlia University - explore a wide variety of resources covering every aspect of growing dahlias
Dahlia videos by Kristine Albrecht of Santa Cruz Dahlias, top dahlia hybridizer and grower in California
Exhibiting in a Dahlia Show
Entering Dahlias in CSDS Show video by Sue Fitzgerald
Timing Your Blooms for Fall Shows based on model by John Thiermann
Tips for Showing Dahlias Infographic by Vida Wu
ADS Cream of the Crop - cultivars winning the most awards in dahlia shows in the US and Canada by year
ADS Online Classification Guide - tool to search by variety name or by characteristics
Disease in Dahlias
Dahlia Gall Basics by Cathrine Featherby
How Virus Affects Dahlia Foliage by Professor Hanu Pappu
Virus in Dahlias (video) by Professor Hanu Pappu (video presentation to Minnesota Dahlia Society)