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Central States Dahlia Society is proud to host the 2025 ADS National Dahlia Show and to welcome dahlia enthusiasts from around the world to Chicago on September 18 - 22, 2025!
Hotel Information


Reserve your hotel room now at the Renaissance Chicago North Shore Hotel in Northbrook, IL.  Rooms are $115 plus tax per night. ​Book using the group rate for 2025 ADS National Show. Learn more about the hotel (part of the Marriott family) and its amenities here.​​​


Looking for a place to eat? Explore a wide variety of dining options within a few minutes of the hotel. 


Want to extend your stay and make it a vacation? Here are additional ideas of things to do in the area



Subscribe for show updates
Show Venue


The Chicago Botanic Garden, a 385-acre living plant museum, will serve as the stunning backdrop for the dahlia show. It is situated in Glencoe, about 20 miles north of downtown Chicago and less than 2 miles from Lake Michigan. Discover what CBG offers in this video and on their website.





It will be possible to attend the National Show without renting a vehicle.


Uber or taxis from O'Hare Airport are about $80 each way while Midway Airport will cost approximately $120 each way (depending on day and time).


There will be scheduled transport between the Renaissance Hotel and Chicago Botanic Garden (CBG) on Thursday thru Sunday at times that make sense for the Show. Attendees can call for pick up or return to the Renaissance Hotel in addition to scheduled times. The actual transport schedule will be firmed up a month before the show.


Tours will include bus transport.


Attendees can visit other Chicago sites by renting cars, calling outside transport, or utilizing public transportation such as CTA subway trains (known as the "L") or Metra suburban trains.



Subscribe for Updates​

Sign up for email updates and be the first to know when new information about the 2025 Show is available for conference attendees and exhibitors.


If you are interested in the public displays on September 20 and 21, sign up for email updates here.



Save the Date cards for exhibitors and conference attendees:

Banner design, card design, and dahlia photos:  Vida Wu

Logo design:  Larry Cole


Copyright, Central States Dahlia Society.  All rights reserved.


Central States Dahlia Society is a participating society of the American Dahlia Society (ADS). The ADS is made up of over 70 local dahlia societies within the United States and Canada. To find a dahlia society near you, or to learn about growing and showing dahlias visit the ADS website.


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