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2017 ADS National Dahlia Show

Visit the live show at the Chicago Botanic Garden, at 1000 Lake Cook Rd., Glencoe, IL 60022 on September 9-10, 2017. All botanic garden guests are invited to attend the dahlia show at no additional cost.

Central States Dahlia Society will host the ADS 2017 National Dahlia Show and the Midwest Dahlia Conference. Nearly 2000 blooms, representing more than 20 classifications, are expected to be on display. The colorful dahlia blooms range in size from 12-inch “dinner-plate” dahlias to "micro-blooms" less than two-inches in diameter. For a preview of dahlia varieties visit us on Pinterest:

Visit Central States Dahlia Society's website for more detailed information

Chicago Botanic Garden:

Want to locate a local dahlia society near you? Visit the American Dahlia Society at:

All dahlia pictures are from the photo archives of CSDS member David Sales.

Music: "Ode to the World" & "Better Way" by: Kai Engel. Downloaded from:

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Copyright, Central States Dahlia Society.  All rights reserved.

Central States Dahlia Society is a participating society of the American Dahlia Society (ADS). The ADS is made up of over 70 local dahlia societies within the United States and Canada. To find a dahlia society near you, or to learn about growing and showing dahlias visit the ADS website.

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